1. 相似函数的输出在不同的位置
如intResult = atoi( charY );
itoa( intX, charY, 10);
第一个参数是需要转换的数字,第二个参数是转换后存储的字符数组,需要注意的是数组必须定义为固定的长度,如:char chary[20];
数组的最大长度为32064(32K),否则会出现“too many variables”编译错误。
如果定义为变长的字符串如char *charY,则程序会出错。
2. 有一些函数实现了同样的功能
itoa不是一个标准的ANSI C函数但是是C的stdlib.h中的一个函数。所以它不被包括在unix机器上的LibC中。我们可以使用标准的sprintf函数来代替:
Writes formatted output to a string.
3. 是用%X来转换一个十六进制数
int intNum;
lr_output_message(“%d”,intNum); // 打印65535 ,ffff的整数值
Reads formatted input from a string.
4. 从文本中提取数字的规则
atoi 转换一个非数字的字符会返回组成这个字符的数字,如“-3.2”返回-3.0。“123XXX345”返回123。
Converts a string to an integer value.
atoi reads the initial portion of the string only, by stopping at the first non-numerical character.
5. LoadRunner脚本中的参数必须转换成C字符串。有两种方式来转化LR的参数为C语言的数字。
i = atoi( lr_eval_string("{pX}") );
sprintf( intX, "%d", lr_eval_string("{pX}") );
Returns the string argument after evaluating embedded parameters.
The lr_eval_string function returns the input string after evaluating any embedded parameters. If string argument contains only a parameter, the function returns the current value of the parameter.
Embedded parameters must be in brackets.
6. 参数的算术运算
1) 转换成C的整数
2) 使用C的函数来运算最后返回一个C的字符串
3) 把返回的字符串保存成参数
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char cBuf[10]; int i; // 1. 转换成C的整数: i = atoi( lr_eval_string("{pNum_in}") ); // 2. 使用C的函数来运算最后返回一个C的字符串: sprintf( cBuf, "%d", i+1); // 3.把返回的字符串保存成参数: lr_save_string( cBuf, "pNum_out"); //Print out the parameter value after incrementing it. lr_message("**** Parameter from %s to %s", lr_eval_string("{pNum_in}")); lr_eval_string("{pNum_out}")); char cBuf[10];int i;
// 1. 转换成C的整数:
i = atoi( lr_eval_string("{pNum_in}") );
// 2. 使用C的函数来运算最后返回一个C的字符串:
sprintf( cBuf, "%d", i+1);
// 3.把返回的字符串保存成参数:
lr_save_string( cBuf, "pNum_out");
//Print out the parameter value after incrementing it.
lr_message("**** Parameter from %s to %s",
Error: "C interpreter runtime error - memory violation error during replay.
char *strtok(char *, char *); // tokenizer prototypechar *strstr(char *, char *); // substring prototypechar *strdup(char *); // String duplication prototypefloat atof(); // alpha to return float datatype#include "as_web.h"char *strtok(char *, char *); // prototype function call. ActionX(){ char aBuffer[256]; // input string to be parsed. char *cToken; // individual token from strtok. char cSeparator[] = " "; // blank separator. int i; // incrementer char val[3][20]; // output array of strings. char modified_val[20]; // 创建一个参数pDate: lr_save_string("January 2, 2001", "pDate"); // 把参数放到字符串缓冲Put parameter into a string buffer: //strcpy:Copies one string to another. //lr_eval_string:Returns the string argument after evaluating embedded parameters. strcpy( aBuffer,lr_eval_string("{pDate}")); //在调试中显示这个buffer Show the buffer for debugging: //lr_output_message:Sends a message to the log file and Output window lr_output_message("%s\n",aBuffer); // get first word (to the first blank): //strtok:Returns a token from a string delimited by specified characters. cToken = strtok( aBuffer,cSeparator); i = 1; if(!token) { // first token was not found: lr_output_message("No tokens found in string!"); return( -1 ); } else { while( cToken != NULL) { // tokens are not NULL: lr_output_message("Token=%s", cToken); // Stuff in another array: strcpy( val[i], cToken ); // Get next token: cToken = strtok( NULL, cSeparator); i++; // increment } lr_output_message("Val #1 is: %s", val[1]); lr_output_message("Val #2 is: %s", val[2]); lr_output_message("Val #2 is: %s", val[3]); strncpy( modified_val, val[2], 1 ); modified_val[2] = '\0'; while (modified_val[2] != NULL) { lr_output_message("===>%s", modified_val); modified_val[2] = strtok(NULL, " "); } } return 0;}
strcat 连接两个字符串
strchr 返回指向第一个要查找的字符出现的位置的指针
strcmp 比较两个字符
strcpy 复制字符串到另一个
stricmp 执行一个大小写敏感的比较
strcpy(destination_string, source_string);
strcat(string_that_gets_appended, string_that_is_appended);
atoi(string_to_convert_to_int); //returns the integer value
itoa(integer_to_conver_to_string, destination_string, base); // base is 10
strcmp(string1, string2); // returns 0 if both strings are equal
strcpy( ):拷贝一个字符串到另一个字符串中.
strcat( ):添加一个字符串到另一个字符串的末尾。
strcmp( ):比较两个字符串,如果相等返回0。
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Actions() { char MyString1[20] = ""; char MyString2[20] = ""; char MyString3[20] = "Mercury2"; char Cstring[10] = "12345"; int Cint; // MyString1 is empty // lr_output_message(">>>>>>>>>> MyString1 = %s",MyString1); // copy "Mercury1" into MyString1 // strcpy(MyString1,"Mercury1"); // Now MyString1 contains "Mercury1" // lr_output_message(">>>>>>>>>> MyString1 = %s",MyString1); // Copy MyString3 into MyString2 // lr_output_message(">>>>>>>>>> MyString2 = %s",MyString2); strcpy(MyString2,MyString3); lr_output_message(">>>>>>>>>> MyString2 = %s",MyString2); // Catenate MyString2 to MyString1 // strcat(MyString1,MyString2); lr_output_message(">>>>>>>>>> MyString1 = %s",MyString1); // Cstring is converted to integer Cint // lr_output_message(">>>>>>>>>> Cstring = %s",Cstring); Cint = atoi(Cstring); lr_output_message(">>>>>>>>>> Cint = %d",Cint); // Cint is converted to string Cint = 100; itoa(Cint,Cstring,10); lr_output_message(">>>>>>>>>> Cstring = %s",Cstring); return 0; }Actions()
char MyString1[20] = "";
char MyString2[20] = "";
char MyString3[20] = "Mercury2";
char Cstring[10] = "12345";
int Cint;
// MyString1 is empty
lr_output_message(">>>>>>>>>> MyString1 = %s",MyString1);
// copy "Mercury1" into MyString1
// Now MyString1 contains "Mercury1"
lr_output_message(">>>>>>>>>> MyString1 = %s",MyString1);
// Copy MyString3 into MyString2
lr_output_message(">>>>>>>>>> MyString2 = %s",MyString2);
lr_output_message(">>>>>>>>>> MyString2 = %s",MyString2);
// Catenate MyString2 to MyString1
lr_output_message(">>>>>>>>>> MyString1 = %s",MyString1);
// Cstring is converted to integer Cint
lr_output_message(">>>>>>>>>> Cstring = %s",Cstring);
Cint = atoi(Cstring);
lr_output_message(">>>>>>>>>> Cint = %d",Cint);
// Cint is converted to string
Cint = 100;
lr_output_message(">>>>>>>>>> Cstring = %s",Cstring);
return 0;
//To send an error message to the LoadRunner output window or Application Management agent log, use the lr_error_message function. It is not recommended that you send a message to the output window or agent log in the middle of a transaction, as it will lengthen the execution time. To send a message to the Vuser execution log or Application Management Web site, but not to the Output window, use lr_log_message.